If a drug addiction goes untreated, it has the potential to ruin lives. There are many negative consequences to addictions, including psychological and emotional issues, broken relationships, poor job performance or job loss, potential criminal activity, not to mention the physical tool drugs take on physical health.
While drugs today are used by all generations, their composition has changed over the years including potency and their addictive properties. Drugs are often mixed or laced with other substances that are intended to make them more addictive – users find they need a “fix” more often and in higher doses in order to maintain the buzz they are looking for.
Today, it is difficult to define what constitute addictive drugs, as many drugs and their use are commonly acceptable and often prescribed, however, no matter what their substance of choice, if it is causing a dependency resulting in negative affects on your life, Toronto Addiction Rehab will be able to help you move towards recovery from your addiction.
At Toronto Addiction Rehab, we work with clients to develop customized treatment plans that seeks to get to the root of the addiction and work towards recovery, using methods and processes that the client chooses for themselves with the help of our Addictions Counsellors. Clients are provided various forms of therapy and counselling, and are able to engage individually and in groups with the therapeutic process.
Call Toronto Addiction Rehab today to discuss our programs and how we will help you start your journey to lifelong recovery.